Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Frankensrein Reaction

I belive Victor Frankenstien had a great life growing up. He had loving parents and also two loving brothers. His parents also adopted Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a gift for Victor. Victor is suppose to marry Elizabeth. His life was a normal life untill he went to college at Ingolstadt.

There he became crazy wanting to create a monster. He wanted to be like god. He collected bodies parts and worked day and night neglecting his family to create this creature. He ignore his family while doing this. Elizabeth says during this time in a letter the "yet one word from you, dear Victor, nescessary to calm out apprehensions. (pg52) He let his project take away from his whole family

When the creature came alive though Victor hated it and fleed from it. The creature was all alone. While the people on this earth hated him and found him gross looking. For example when he enters the people house he has been watching for a long time long to be with them is "Agatha fainted, Safie unable to attend to her friend, rushed out of the cottage. Felix darted fowardd and with supernatural force tore me from his father, to whoose knees I clung of fury, he dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick."(pgs 123-124) Now all the creature is asking for is a mate and Victor doesnt know what he is going to do.

I think Victor should have never created the creature. He first neglected his love ones to created. Then he was disgusted by it. Now he won't even give the creature a friend, a mate who will love and care for them. I think that all living thinf desver to one friend to care for them and love them. Victor might not even give the creature that right. Victor should have never made a creature if he wasn't going to care for it.

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