Story tellling is an art of blending the truth and fiction. Tim O'Brien uses metaficiton which is the blending of truth and fiction together to create a story. Also in Forest Gump Forest Gump tells alot of stories about his life. It is hard to tell what is true and false in some stories. Most people do not try to lie about what happend but they fill in the blanks they put in parts they forget or things they think that happpend but aren't entirely sure that they did.
Tim O'Brien puts it this way "And I don't devote a lot of time or a lot of energy worrying about the how or the whys of it all, instead taking a kinda of lazy man's conviction in the belif that all stories require no justifacation; they just are."(O'Brien) Stories don't need to give the why and how they leave thing to the imagantion to figure out if they are true or how the things are even possible. When discussing Forest Gump Roger Ebert aklso says in his review "It is a comedy I guess. Or maybe a drama. Or maybe a dream." (Ebert) It is all of these thing wraped in one because stories if based on truth have all the elements of real life and you can't say your own life is either a comedy or drama or anything eles because life at diffrent points can fit all thoose catogories just like stories can. Also in the movie Forest says "Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I couled run like the wind blows" (Forest Gump) Stroies always have the unbelievable in them you have to decide for your self what you will and won't believe.
Nice job - I really like the quotes you incorporated from O'Brien's lecture and the film...just be sure to proofread and revise before publishing...